Franciscan Spirituality

Paula’s recent posts at MoreLight have gotten me to thinking again of a lovely article about the Incarnation in Franciscan Spirituality written by Seamus Mulholland. Seamus is a Roman Catholic Friar who lectures at Canterbury in England. It’s a great article and I highly recommend it. Here are some of my favorite passages,

“The Incarnation is the model for creation: there is a creation only because of the Incarnation. In this schema, the universe is for Christ and not Christ for the universe.”

“Sin has been given too much prominence in contemporary soteriology: God redeems from sin because he loves us?: no, says the Scotist, God loves us and then redeems us. Redemption is an act of love first and foremost, not an act of saving us from sin, and the first act of redemption is the Incarnation.”

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incarnation, seamus mulholland, franciscan, spirituality, duns scotus, sin, redemption