Thomas Merton Reflection

“Do not be too anxious about your advancement in the ways of prayer, because you have left the beaten track and are traveling by paths that cannot be charted and measured. Therefore leave God to take care of your degree of sanctity and of contemplation. If you yourself try to measure your own progress you will waste your time in futile introspection. Seek one thing alone: to purify your love of God more and more, to abandon yourself more and more perfectly to His will and to love Him more exclusively and more completely, but also more simply and more peacefully and with more total and uncompromising trust.”

From What is Contemplation? by Thomas Merton

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merton, contemplation

4 Replies to “Thomas Merton Reflection”

  1. Ouch! That wound cut me to the quick! Thanks for the “Wake-Up Call.”

    May God continue to bless you, brother.

  2. Merton had Zen like insight. This quote goes with “Be still and know.” It’s obvious. Whenever there is striving to be something or do something ego is involved and like the 12 Step groups say, EGO is “Easing God Out.” Peace. Don

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