Real Life

Real life isn’t always going to be perfect or go our way, but the recurring acknowledgment of what is working in our lives can help us not only to survive but surmount our difficulties.

–Sara Ban Breathnach

A friend of mine used to say “don’t despise the negative.” That is very true and yet so many times in my life I have felt sorry for myself over what I perceived as misfortune, but more often than not it was those misfortunes that became the gateway of opportunity. At one time in my life I worked as a custodian. I really liked the job and I had become afraid to try other opportunities because I was comfortable. I wasn’t really satisfied, but I was comfortable. An interpersonal situation developed over an extended period of time that left me so uncomfortable that eventually I got off my butt and went back to college and finished a degree. That led me to the position I hold today. That was really the loving hand of my creator guiding me as if it was the hand of a loving parent.

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opportunity, wisdom