Mystical mountain

Today was a special day. Mom accompanied me to Mass at Mt. Irenaeus. I knew that I’d get a chance to see and perhaps hear once again the lovely voice of Cyprian Consiglio. What I didn’t know until I arrived was that Cyprian would be the celebrant of today’s liturgy. I like Cyprian’s music. It has a very mystical quality. Today he wove his lovely lyrics into the liturgy. He also had a very thoughtful homily. Coming to Mt. Irenaeus a little over seven years ago was and continues to be a homecoming for me. I had long sensed that something was missing from traditional Christianity. Mysticism is not regularly celebrated in most churches, but it is at Mt. Irenaeus. Silence, stillness and attentiveness to the voice of God in the midst of creation is central to Mt. Irenaeus.

All who participate in the mission of the Mountain join with Jesus Christ in “making all things new” by creating and nourishing a community that transcends a particular place, opening to all peoples, ages and cultures.

I purchased a couple of Cyprian’s albums today and I’ve installed them on my Ipod. Having an Ipod has allowed me to bring this sacred music to my workplace. I think work can be prayer and this music adds to that experience.