Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent this year. Today many will return from Lenten services with ashes on their heads. I’ve been thinking about what I’m going to do for Lent this year. I’m going to spend more time in contemplative prayer. I’m being drawn more and more to silence and solitude. The more time I spend in silence the happier I am.  It’s funny but silence speaks to me. I’ve also been asked to pray for a couple trying to become a mother and father. Please pray for peace also. Pray for our country that is going to spend more on war and weapons than at anytime since World War II. Pray that this year we elect a leader that will bring change.

3 Replies to “Ash Wednesday”

  1. One more thing we could pray for during this Lenten season….that Jesus would just come on back. Of course, I pray that everyday.

    Grace and Peace to you.

  2. Dear Country Contemplative

    Thank you for this sincere post.

    I have been having similar, though less profound, thoughts about lent this year.

    And thank you for sharing your thoughts with us on this blog!

  3. I like your idea. So many people think about what they will give up for Lent. Instead of giving something up, think of something extra to do!

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