Gerry Straub

Gerry Straub stopped by today and left a comment. I’m flattered. Gerry’s got a blog, that I’ve added to my blogroll. You might enjoy looking at. I own one of Gerry’s films, “No Room at the Inn.” I purchased it at St. Francis Inn where I spent some time last summer. I hope to return again this year. You might enjoy visiting Gerry’s other site, The San Damiano Foundation, where his work is displayed.

3 Replies to “Gerry Straub”

  1. Don,

    I am new to the world of blogging. I find it amazing that I visited your blog, posted a little comment, and then find out that you actually own one of my SDF films and have spent time at the St. Francis Inn…a place that truly changed my life. I wrote about my time there in my book on St. Francis, THE SUN AND MOON OVER ASSISI.

    Thanks for spreading the word about my humble ministry to the poor.

    Peace and blessings,


  2. Gerry, I had dinner at Mt. Irenaeus tonight and mentioned our meeting on the blogosphere to the Friars present. I sat next to Fr. Bob who was one of the co-founders of St. Francis Inn. He of course was/is quite interested in St. Francis Inn and all the Friars were interested in your ministry and your latest book. I’m glad our paths crossed in this space.

    Blogging has been very cathartic and redemptive for me. I’ve met a lot of very interesting people like you and I enjoy reading your work and the work of others I’ve met in this medium. Peace. 🙂 Don

  3. Thanks, Don.

    I love Mt. Irenaeus. A few years ago, I was making regular trips to SBU to show films and give talks, and I always tried to visit the mountain.


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