Beside the still waters

I spent the past weekend at Stella Maris Retreat Center which is located on Skaneateles Lake in Skaneateles, New York. I was attending the annual Kateri Tekakwitha Secular Franciscan Order regional meeting. I’ve been at the meeting three years now and each time it has been refreshing and relaxing to gather with other members fo the Third Order Secular. The Secular Franciscan Order has been around since the beginning of Franciscan charism which is celebrating its 800th anniversary this year.

Unlike other weekends I’ve spent at Stella Maris though this particular weekend was very restful. My accommodations at the Passover House were quite lovely. I was not prepared for such lovely surroundings. I loved taking walks on the grounds and especially along the lake shore which borders the property. Sunday morning was especially peaceful and mystical as wisps of early morning fog floated just above the lake and the surface of the water was like glass. The lake was so clear that it was possible to see the bottom.

All three days were lovely and sunny, though Sunday began with a bit of overcast. I took my time driving home along Route 20 and through the communities of Seneca Falls, Waterloo, Geneva and Candandaigua. Everywhere I looked there was ample evidence of spring with blossoms bursting forth. All creation is shouting for joy.

2 Replies to “Beside the still waters”

  1. We held a Day of Recollection in Hilton on Saturday for most of our membership. One of our members was at the regional.

    The area there is beautiful (I grew up in Geneva). How was the meeting?

  2. I met a lady from your fraternity who was your representative. She has a lovely singing voice and sang at our Mass on Saturday afternoon. I enjoyed the regional meeting as it helps me to learn more about how Secular Franciscans are formed around our region. I love the grounds at Stella Maris Retreat Center, they are truly Franciscan and being on the shores of Skaneateles Lake sure helps. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂 Don

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