Brother Fly

I’ve been enjoying a lovely summer. For the first time in almost ten years I’m not working twelve months. God has been very good to me and us and I’ve found consulting opportunities which have allowed me to make up the difference.  Our weather has been very rainy and I love to see the sun, but it’s been great to sleep in  and just enjoy sitting still.  I’ve been doing a lot of reading and writing which have been very fulfilling pastimes. I’ve loved to read ever since I first learned how. As a child I lived next to a public library and it was my second home. I frequently tell people that a visit to a bookstore is a religious experience for me. Other than monasterys and other quiet places I frequently find myself in libraries and bookstores. In the past several years I’ve become very adept at reading RSS and that’s opened some new vistas for me.

St. Francis referred to sloth as Brother Fly and I can see how that could become habit forming.  I do enjoy the stillness and lack of routine this summer has brought into my life. Frequently I’ve found that epiphanies follow a change in routine. This summer has been filled with change. I fought it at first,  but now I’ve come to see that it’s just what I needed and I’m grateful for it.  Seeing God’s hand in my life often requires lots of help for me. This summer has given me new eyes.