Dusk is a time of wonder

Dusk is a time of wonder. It is the quiet time at the end of the day and the beginning of night. It’s Ian ethereal time and one pregnant with thoughts and dreams. Tonight as I sit here in the gathering darkness I’m wondering what the future holds. I’m pursuing new directions in my life. I’m reaching out in directions I never have before. In the past month I’ve had several interviews in a variety of vocational fields. Marketing, education and today web development. I’ve also had an offer to be a communications director for a regional retreat center. I’ve been trying to listen to the voice of vocation in all of this. Meditation and yoga have opened me up and invited me to be more contemplative. I’m grateful for that change. I’ve become more carefree and less stressed. Four days off invite even more time to explore. For now I’ll be still and listen with the ear of my heart.