I’ve been blogging for ten years. A lot has changed in my life since then. Two children have graduated from college. Both of them are married and we have a grandson now too. In the ten years since I began this blog, I returned to school and earned another master’s degree. In the process, I met a lot of wonderful people and that broadened my life. I retired two years ago and I’m no longer a technology director nor a public school educator. I found that since I’ve retired I’m living a redirected life. I have more free time in one sense but I’m far from bored as I’m active in more public service than ever. In the past fifteen months, I’ve become a Community Moderator at Opensource.com and in that role I’ve been able to give my time and talent to a cause much larger than me. I’ve had an opportunity to learn and grow in a new direction. Along with that and complementing it nicely I’ve become involved in the EdCamp movement and have attended a couple of conferences with plans for a third in April.
My blogging began as a question to myself and each time I have shared here I have gotten more answers. I have found that blogging is cathartic and instructive. It’s given me a voice I didn’t know I had. In the ten years since this experiment began I’ve met others, I would not otherwise have met and grown in ways I could never have imagined. I’ve become a writer that I had never imagined possible. Some of my posts have drawn dozens of readers, some only a few and one drew over a thousand page views. I’m grateful for the journey.