This pond which is a short distance from my home is one of my frequent haunts when I’m out walking. Lately with the need for more social distancing I find myself here more often because very few people come here. It’s on the edge of Mount Prospect Cemetery and not many people walk in the cemetery. Some folks may consider that walking in cemeteries is morbid but it’s a place of peace and contemplation for me. The cemetery and the neighboring pond are places where silence abounds. Herman Melville once said, “silence is the only voice of God.” I find God as I understand God in the silence too.
I find peace in the silence. I don’t watch the news. The cacophony of the pandemic is too much for me. I spend my time writing, walking and praying. Prayer walking is my best form of meditation. When I’m at home I listen to Taize and Gregorian chant interspersed occasionally with Carlos Santana. I’ve long considered Santana’s music very spiritual. I will keep walking and praying and listening to the silence. Mount Prospect and this pond have become my sanctuary.