A nerd a geek or what?

In a few hours I’ll be traveling to ISTE 2011 with my wife and two other teachers. Four of us with over hundred years experience in the classroom. We’re veterans. Diane , Kim & Dave are real classroom teachers. I’m just a wannabe. I’m a full time technology coordinator and I teach half of the time. I think its safe to say that we’re all lifelong learners. Each of them is a technology pioneer. Kim, Diane and I cut are teeth on Commodores and the Apple II and IIe. I taught Kim & Diane’s regular classroom students how to use Apple LOGO as we explored the relationship between LOGO, geometry and critical thinking. David came along a bit later and he and I explored “on-line” political simulations and at one time were in a pilot program with the University of Connecticut.

The three of them are technologically savvy teachers.  They’ve done it all. Some of my colleagues refer to me as a geek and I frequently have deflected that and sought to downplay it. In the past I sought to separate my personal and professional life. I’ve been writing this blog since 2006 and attempting to keep a business or professional blogs separate. Recently I decided to blend everything together. I was afraid that if people really found out that I’m a Secular Franciscan and that I enjoy visiting monasteries and reading the psalms that they’d think I was eccentric. Truth be told I am eccentric and I do enjoy teaching, learning, educational technology, contemplative spirituality and host of other things. I am a geek. I can program computers and I do speak Mac, Windows and Linux and I do build file servers, web servers and virtual machines. I actually enjoy those activities as much as I enjoy visiting monasteries and other holy places. I enjoy sitting alone in the woods, taking long walks and listening to Gregorian chant. I am no longer trying to live a divided life. I see my life and interests as complementary. I’m praying that we have a safe journey to Philadelphia and that we arrive refreshed and ready to learn.