New Spirit

I haven’t blogged here much in the past several years. I was busy earning a degree at St. Bonaventure University which I finished a couple of years ago. Then after earning my administrative credentials in New York State I began to seek employment elsewhere. I continue to feel like Thomas Merton and not know where the road ahead may lead, but I am excited to have a more positive outlook on that direction lately. 

I’ve been actively engaged in Yoga classes for over a year now. The unanticipated consequence of that is a deepened prayer life which has awakened within me a call to vocation like the one I experienced as an adolescent in the mid 1960’s. I’ve applied for some ministry related positions but at the same time wishing to stay close to my wife and family. I hope to re-energize my writing and reflecting because it helped me before and seemed to help others too. 

Recently at a regional Secular Franciscan gathering I met two men who had read my blog with interest in the past and were positively influenced. I’ve also been using for the past year as it integrates well with my iPhone and Instagram which I thoroughly enjoy. I’ve become in the words of one of Secular Franciscans a photo-journalist. 

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