
I’ve been visting Auriesville Shrine since I was a young boy. My Mom brought me here first. Four of my cousins were Jesuit priests. They were missionaries in South America. I never met them. Their father was the obstetrician who helped to bring me into the world. My Mom came from a decidedly more Jesuit background. Among her many accomplishments is a Masters in Mathematics from Fordham University so it makes sense that being the good Catholic that she is, I’d get to Auriesville. I like visiting here if only to remember our first visits and the role my mother played in my faith journey. Auriesville is mystical. I can sense the presence of John LaLand, Rene Goupil and Isaac Jogues. One cannot visit here without being haunted by their presence. This peaceful ground was one a living hell for those dedicated Jesuit priests who tried to bring the Gospel to the Mohawks. I have to wonder how much 17th century French and British politics had in poisoning their relationship with the Mohawks.

Part of Auriesville today is a huge circular church with many altars and God only knows how many seats. I spent some time here praying for our principal, Ange Melaro, who is battling cancer. I left a card for him and some other intentions in front of a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. I took a picture of a statue of Jacque LaLand standing just in front of the crucified Jesus. I recommend a visit here if you ever find yourself in the Mohawk Valley near Fonda, Fultonville, Johnstown or even nearby Albany.


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jesuit, martryrs, auriesville

One Reply to “Auriesville”

  1. Hi Don,

    I love the Church at Auriesville, and have always been fascinated by the stories of the North American Jesuit martyrs.

    I’ve stopped in there before while travelling to vist friends in Syracuse. My wife is from Binghamton.


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