
Today I got a chance to tinker with Kino which is one of the open source apps that comes standard on Ubuntu 7.04. I experimented with Kino a couple years ago when I was using Fedora 3 and Fedora 4 on a Dell Inspiron 5100 notebook. Ubuntu has done a better job of packaging everything for Kino to operate quickly and easily. I plugged in my firewire cable and attached my digital video camera to it and in I was capturing video very quickly and editing it with ease. Kino is not Pinnacle but it’s a real decent video editor and you just can’t beat the price. One of its features that I found compelling is the ability to export flash video. I’m still learning and would like to know how I can export to Quicktime. There is a switch but it’s greyed out.

2 Replies to “Kino”

  1. Don,

    I’ve hit the same problem regarding Quicktime with Kino. Did you ever find out how to enable it?


  2. I can’t remember now how I did get that going. I did use Kino to edit some video that I took with my DV camcorder that I later uploaded to Google Video. I think Ubuntu has done a good job of providing most of the codecs to make using tools like Kino a reality. I remember trying to get Kino going on a Centos box a couple of years ago and it was lot more work than with Ubuntu. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful. Here’s a link to that video.

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