The cost of war

This video came from the American Friends Service Committee website and it’s very powerful. As we approach Memorial Day let us consider what other memorials there could be. War is not nor does it have to be the only memorial. There are other ways to help our fellows.


Sign a petition to end and defund the war and put our tax dollars to work for human needs here at home.

Friends for Peace

Today when I arrived home from work I checked my mail. The largest parcel came from the American Friends Service Committee. When I opened the large envelope it contained a poster that can be displayed that simply states Friends for Peace.  The American Friends Service Committee holds a special place in my heart. They are people who never seem to grow tired of working for peace.  The letter invited me to contribute and at the same time send a letter to my elected representatives asking them to do their constitutional duty and end this War in Iraq. You too can defund the War by following this link.
