Alumni game

Yesterday we drove to Fredonia, New York and the campus of the State University at Fredonia. Dods Hall was the site of this year’s alumni game which featured many of Fredonia States former basketball stars including our son Devin. The age of the players spanned at least twenty years. It was fun to watch Devin and his former teammates racing up and down the floor. There were layups, short jumpers, hooks and three pointers and when it was over it actually ended in an 84-84 tie. I’ve never seen a basketball game end in a tie, but this time it seemed fitting. It’s been a couple of years since we were regulars at Fredonia State games.

Besides the players it was reunion time for parents. We visited with old friends. Friends we don’t see much anymore but nonetheless just as dear. After the game we gathered at a local restaraunt for more socializing. Our first date over twenty-seven years ago was a basketball game. Basketball is sacramental for us.