Laudate Dominum

Today was the gathering of our Secular Franciscan fraternity of St. Irenaeus. Our meeting began with nearly thirty minutes of Eucharistic adoration. I love adoration and it’s very simple at the Mountain. Just three small candles, some incense in small vessel and silence. We had skipped this activity for a couple of months and I was glad to see that we had it today. Laudate Dominum, Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes, Alleluia!


Holy Thursday is one of my favorite days and nights in the church year. It always has been. It’s kind of celebration at the end of Lent. In the last eight years it’s become tradition for me to be at Mt. Irenaeus for supper with friends and then the Liturgy of the Lord’s Supper in the chapel. Because of my schedule this week I didn’t think I was going to make it but it all worked out. I had to drive 150 miles round trip to meet with representatives of Dell Computer and then climb into my own car to drive the thirty or so miles to the Mountain. Continue reading “Presence”