What now?

I work in education and I’m employed as a technology director. Everyone is a director now. Our egos call for it. Everyone’s ego demands director status. I like to think of myself as more of a facilitator. I enable teachers, administrators, students and parents to look their best when they use technology. I like helping people. I also love teaching. I look at teaching as a way to help others. I also consider my work as more of a cosmic than a local undertaking. Act locally, but think globally. That’s some of what drives me. I also was thinking of Colossians 3:23 today, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord …” 

That’s really what my work is about is working for the creator, for the Lord. It helps to think this way because whether a person is helpful or hurtful; loving or uncaring.  I’m working for the Lord and it really doesn’t matter what people think. I’ve got a different employer and he/she pays well. In a couple of days I’ll be in Philadelphia at the ISTE Conference. There will be lots of tech people and tech wannabes. Ed Tech is big business now and I think some people think an iPad or a net book can solve the education crisis in our country. Although I’m a gadget fan I think the answers are deeper than that. I’m no fan of the Common Core either. I think that is a creation of the testing companies. They make billions on these tests and there’s no firm evidence to suggest that students are learning more or getting better jobs.

Most of the students I meet need love. Simple love and caring would do a great deal to solve the education woes. Heck, most teachers and administrators need love too. Love is trans-formative and it’s free too. Try some love on your staff and students. I did and it worked. I don’t know if my students learned much but I showed them love and respect and I hope they share that with someone else.