Little friend

My wife spotted a baby rabbit that had wandered onto our patio tonight. She asked me to call our daughter and together the three of us enjoyed a moment with this lovely little visitor. He was later killed by one of the neighborhood cats. I’m not a cat lover, but I know that this is just the way of predators. Nonetheless I am saddened by the passing of this lovely little creature who bore the imprint of the Most High. I suppose the lesson in all this is the impermanence of all creation. Still I’m saddened at the passing of our little friend.  There is terrorism in the world and this is one more example of that. I love all creatures even cats and can’t bear to harm any. [googlevideo=]

The Everyday

Sitting in my study this morning I could see the Compline Prayer of Mt. Saviour Monastery. I’ve been to Mt. Saviour a number of times and twice I’ve spent time on retreat there. Maybe I should go again soon. I feel the need for regeneration. Continue reading “The Everyday”


In today’s news there is word from General Petraeus, the latest pawn in Game Iraq that we’re succeeding in a new surge against Al-Qaida strongholds. I say that is essentially meaningless crap. A friend of mine used to say, “crap is crap and the square root of crap is still crap.” Continue reading “Crap”


This morning I drove down to the town clerk’s office with a bill for some work I had just completed. As I sat waiting my turn to see the clerk there was a young couple giving the clerk information for a marriage license. Continue reading “Marriage”

Then and now..

The Concert for Bangladesh occurred in August 1971. It’s been nearly thirty-six years since then and we’re at another watershed of emotion in world affairs. Will we turn our back on the suffering in Darfur? Will we turn our back on the suffering in Iraq and throughout the middle east. Continue reading “Then and now..”

The lilies of the field

Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin

As I turned onto Route 1 in the hamlet of Nile on my way to Mt. Irenaeus I was greeted with fields of flowers blooming everywhere. There were phlox, daisies and buttercups and other varieties that I cannot name. There were flowers everywhere in the fields along the road this morning on the Feast of Corpus Christi. Continue reading “The lilies of the field”