Attitude of Gratitude

I’ve long heard it said that an attitude of gratitude is one of the secrets of a healthy, happy life. This post at really sums that up and I thought it was worth sharing.

In today’s hectic and competitive world, there is so much negativity floating around that it is easy to get taken in by it. Pessimistic attitudes lead to chronic depressions and a negative mind is actually a magnet for ailments and sadness. We often complain about what we do not have and take for granted what has been provided to us.

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ShipwreckedinSouth Carolina has a great story this morning and I want to give it some more coverage. James is a regular reader of this blog and I read his posts as well. After reading this story I’m convinced more than ever that it is the weeds in my life that give it the most color and life. Thank you to all the weeds in my life and work.

Compassion in your heart

As a soldier you can be compassionate. You can be loving and your gun can be helpful. There are times you may not have to use your gun. It is like that knife that is used to cut vegetables. You can be a bodhisattva as a soldier or the commander of an army. The question is whether you have understanding and compassion in your heart. That is the question.

–Calming the Fearful Mind: A Zen Response to Terrorism–Thich Nhat Hanh

Memorial Day

The following came in an email from Jim Hein, SFO (Secular Franciscan Order)

The son-in-law of Anne Kramar, SFO, St. Clare Fraternity in Omaha has recently returned home from Iraq. His name is Jim; he is married to Anne’s daughter, Mary Jane. Jim and Mary Jane have three children, the oldest (boy) is graduating from High School this year. Jim was serving his third tour of duty in Iraq. Upon completion of his second tour he was called up for a third tour – it was the time period that the Federal Government put into effect the “stop loss” policy. Continue reading “Memorial Day”

In all things

When we are caught in notions, rituals, and the outer forms of the practice, not only can we not receive and embody the spirit of our tradition, we become an obstacle for the true values of the tradition to be transmitted. We lose sight of the true needs and actual suffering of people, and the teachings and practice, which were intended to relieve suffering, now cause suffering. Narrow, fundamentalist, and dogmatic practices always alienate people, especially those who are suffering. We have to remind ourselves again and again of our original purpose, and the original teachings and intention of Buddha, Jesus, and other great sages and saints.”
–Thich Nhat Hanh

I couldn’t say it better myself. Dogma and ritual might be comforting at times but they can be a real hindrance also. I’m currently finishing another of Thich Nhat Hanh’s books, “The Energy of Prayer: How to Deepen Your Spiritual Practice.” It’s been a great book and I’m almost through with it the first time through. He asks a lot of good questions in the book and like most if not all of his other books it really doesn’t matter what tradition you are from. I would love to meet him sometime. However, I enjoy his presence whether that ever happens. He is with me whenever I am mindful of his presence. He has taught me to see good and God in all things.


Satyagraha is a relentless search for truth and a determination to search truth.–Mahatma Gandhi

As I sit here this morning on the edge of the hundred acre wood that borders our property I am surrounded by peace and yet I know that in much of the world there is violence and killing some of it sponsored by my own government. It pains me deeply to know that my countrymen are being hurt, killed and in some cases doing the killing of others. We are all brothers and sisters in this world. Continue reading “Satyagraha”