
Just today I read that John McCain wants to de-regulate health care. Mr. McCain believes that the way the market functions best is when government leaves its hands off. In an ideal society where everyone really is honest with everyone else and real market forces are at play. It won’t work here and it can’t because the playing field isn’t level. I think we ought to deregulate prisons. Let’s get rid of the guards and let the prisoners come and go as they might. I’m sure they’ll all return to their cells everyday because they know that’s what’s expected of them. Let’s not stop there. Let’s deregulate roadways. No more speed limits. We’ll just let entropy take over. If we get rid of stoplights and other traffic devices like speed limits the roads will come to govern themselves. Intersections will become filled with enough debris so that traffic will have to slow down to get around it. I think we ought to de-regulate firearms laws. Why shouldn’t you be allowed to own your own howitzer or RPG. It’d be handy during deer season. You could get half a herd with one shot.  What planet is McCain on? Deregulation has destroyed our airlines. It has destroyed Wall Street and Main Street too. One good thing about de-regulation is there would be no need for lawmakers and we could send Congress home. That would save a lot of money.