Another print option for Linux

I recently returned to using Linux as my primary laptop operating system. Over the summer I purchased an Hewlett-Packard MFP M281 fdw and while that works flawlessly with MacOS I had been having some printing issues with Linux. I got HPLIP working on Fedora, but after installing Pop!_OS and most recently Ubuntu 18.10 I was not able to use my printer to it’s full advantage. I was willing to live with it until I could find a solution. The remedy came today and I wanted to share it with anyone else who has had similar difficulties. I found that using Google Cloud Print Connector I could easily get full us of the MFP M281. If you have a cloud print capable printer then this is a solution for you too. I did an APT install of Google Cloud Print and then followed the directions for easily setting up my printer. Here is a link to Google’s cloud printing service. Besides printing from Chrome I can now print from all my other desktop applications using this service.