Individual augmentee

I have not been moved to write lately. I’ve been very busy but quiet. I’m trying to enjoy each day as iit comes along. I think of my nephew often and I pray that all is going well for him at boot camp. Recently I learned of a government program that moves members of the Navy to support army units in Afghanistan and Iraq. With no draft and declining enlistments and this prolonged war the government is moving sailors into combat support roles. Most of American people don’t know about this and probably many of the parents of U. S. Navy recruits wouldn’t be too happy to find out that their son or daughter might have signed up for a hitch in the Army. It’s called the individual augmentee assignment.

This program has me concerned about my nephew’s future once he leaves boot camp. As a former hospital corpsman, service with the Fleet Marines was always a possibility. Seabees too often are in forward areas of combat but for the most part the Navy was far off shore and away from danger. I’ve been careful not to mention this to my mother or his parents but it is a concern. I had hoped that the war would wind down as we got closer to the election, but now the war drums are increasing again. I pray often for the safety of our men and women in uniform. I hope you will too.