Bird dog your congressional representative

There may not be an opportunity to bird-dog a pro-war Congressperson near you, but if there is, Americans Against Escalation in Iraq coalition field operatives will notify Working Assets and they’ll text you. Together, we can turn the tide on the occupation and get an overwhelming vote in Congress to start bringing the troops home.

If you want to help end the War in Iraq send a text message with your mobile phone “BIRDDOG to 30644”


Today’s paper has an article about how the United States culture has strayed from the original intent of the founding fathers. In particular the author was taking umbrage with the interpretation of the establishment clause of the United States Constitution. Many so-called conservative Christians are quick to point out that God is mentioned frequently by the founding fathers and that this country was founded on a Judeo-Christian tradition. Continue reading “Thoughts”

Sad Sack

Andrew Sullivan has a well written short piece on his blog today about Mr. Bush and the war in Iraq. Mr. Bush is a sad sack of humanity that managed to get himself elected President of the United States. He has violated nearly every principle that he once said he stood for. He’s also violated every principle that he has sworn to protect. Continue reading “Sad Sack”


One of my friends, PlainFoolish has written a thoughtful piece on the current state we find ourselves in here in the United States. It is hot here today and yet there is a peaceful gentle wind blowing, but half a world away in the deserts, streets and villages of Iraq there is enormous slaughter. Continue reading “Always”


In today’s news there is word from General Petraeus, the latest pawn in Game Iraq that we’re succeeding in a new surge against Al-Qaida strongholds. I say that is essentially meaningless crap. A friend of mine used to say, “crap is crap and the square root of crap is still crap.” Continue reading “Crap”

Then and now..

The Concert for Bangladesh occurred in August 1971. It’s been nearly thirty-six years since then and we’re at another watershed of emotion in world affairs. Will we turn our back on the suffering in Darfur? Will we turn our back on the suffering in Iraq and throughout the middle east. Continue reading “Then and now..”

Open or closed?

A friend of mine commented on a post I had about Ubuntu and Dell and in that he said that Linux is like the wiki concept. Maybe the wiki concept is more like Linux and open source. Regardless of how one looks at either, open source is an new model of production which favors the wiki model of code and content creation. It seems that the latter has the potential for more power and at the same time has created a great deal of destabilization in the traditional market place. It seems however that this new model is here to stay at least for the short term. Whatever replaces it will grow out of it and not the old industrial age model of a closed system. Continue reading “Open or closed?”

Memorial Day

The following came in an email from Jim Hein, SFO (Secular Franciscan Order)

The son-in-law of Anne Kramar, SFO, St. Clare Fraternity in Omaha has recently returned home from Iraq. His name is Jim; he is married to Anne’s daughter, Mary Jane. Jim and Mary Jane have three children, the oldest (boy) is graduating from High School this year. Jim was serving his third tour of duty in Iraq. Upon completion of his second tour he was called up for a third tour – it was the time period that the Federal Government put into effect the “stop loss” policy. Continue reading “Memorial Day”