Micah 6:8

A couple of days ago I was in Plains, GA. I stopped by the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site and was very moved by everything I read and saw of the former president. A video I watched at the visitor center, narrated by Charles Kuralt, stated that the Inaugural Address delivered by President Carter made reference to the biblical prophet Micah.

“He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.” –Micah Continue reading “Micah 6:8”

On the road

I’ve been on the road for four days and four nights. Each day has found me somewhere between Western New York and Southwestern Georgia. Each night I’ve retired in a different motel. I’ve seen some lovely sights. Lots of beautiful spring flowers. I’ve seen lovely azaleas, rhododendrons, dogwoods, apple blossoms, and flowers I can’t even name. I’ve seen hundreds of people, thousands of cars and trucks as I’ve motored on over two thousand miles of roads. I’ve been to Allbany, GA; Plains, GA; Clemson, SC and tonight I’m in Winchester, VA. Tomorrow I plan to visit Holy Cross Abbey. Continue reading “On the road”