Hundred Acre Wood


The hundred acre wood behind our home. Today I got a chance to catch up a bit. I was down with a head cold which is mother nature’s way of saying take a day off and rest. That is mostly what I did today. Nonetheless, with Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and now the ISTE Ning I’ve been busy writing, reading and thinking.  I’ll be attending ISTE 2011 in Philadelphia at the end of the month.  I was able to attend the NECC/ISTE 2009 Conference in Washington, DC a couple of years ago and it was a watershed moment. I hope I can learn and connect with many folks and that I can keep the beginners mind.

The picture above was taken with my new iPhone which I’ve had for a couple weeks now. I’m still getting used to it. It’s my fourth smart phone in five years. I had a couple Blackberries, a Droid and now the iPhone. They are amazing devices.