Parker Palmer and Henri Nouwen

I have read many books by both Parker Palmer and Henri Nouwen. Thanks to Instagram I found out about a delightful podcast that I wanted to share here if you happen to be a fan of Parker Palmer and the intersection of his work with Henri Nouwen. One of my favorite books is Genesee Diary in which Henri chronicles the six months he spent at Abbey of the Genesee in 1978. A secular Franciscan friend of mine introduced me to Parker Palmer almost twenty years ago and since then I’ve read many of his books.

From the heart

Parker Palmer has been a favorite of mine for a number of years now and this recently released video of his upcoming book, Healing the Heart of Democracy really speaks to a topic that I wrote about yesterday. We have to get past partisanship and bickering to solve our larger issues as a country or we will soon find ourselves no longer a country but a people literally at war with each other.

Follow this link to the video,

Thank you

My wife’s surgery went well today and she was very grateful for the many prayers offered on her behalf. She’s on the road to recovery. My father-in-law’s surgery did not provide such good news. He has cancer which we hope is treatable. Please pray him if you are of a mind to do so.  This has been a very busy month and I have not had time to write much, but my thoughts have been about this blog. I have been reading a great deal lately and much of it on Kindle. One of my latest reads has been, “A Hidden Wholeness,” by Parker Palmer. I enthusiastically recommend it to you.