Today I didn’t make it to the traditional Good Friday services. It’s the first time I’ve missed in recent memory. I fell asleep on the couch while I was reading “Living with Christ.” Continue reading “A man of suffering”
A new crucifixion
Some of the world’s news organizations are reporting that the United States will attack Iran on Good Friday. The attack will occur between 4 am and 4 pm. No time zone is given in any of the reports I read, but one article was from the Jerusalem Post which might indicate a middle eastern time zone. If it’s closer to the 4 am time then it might occur as many American Christians are attending Holy Thursday services. Continue reading “A new crucifixion”
The crucified
Today on my way to Mass at Mt. Irenaeus I recited the Franciscan Crown Rosary. It’s a prayer that has become more and more a part of my life. I can’t really explain why either. It just has. Nonetheless, I stopped at a convenience mart nearby, bought some gasoline and walked into the store to get some orange juice and eggs. Continue reading “The crucified”
Talking points are walking points
I read a lot everyday and today was no exception. One of the stories I read today was a link on Huffington Post about Matthew Dowd, former campaign strategist for President George Bush. Continue reading “Talking points are walking points”