Where is it all going?

In the past two weeks I’ve found myself wondering where will this end? How much suffering will we have to endure. Many have endured too much already. Pope Francis has led two worldwide prayer times and so have countless others. I find that as I walk I’m constantly praying for or thinking of others. I asked God to place the names and faces of people who needed a prayer today in my mind. One of those I prayed for was Amy Klobuchar’s husband. Later I learned that his condition is improving. I prayed for President Trump, Governor Cuomo and other local and national leaders. I prayed for healthcare professionals and members of our own family.

It seemed overwhelming but my spirits were buoyed by the presence of Brother Sun. The brightness and warmth were wonderful today. It reached nearly 65F here today. I took two walks and logged a bit over five miles. Though I was socially distant I was spiritually connected to the community I live in and the world that surrounds us. I found a quote by Thomas Merton that helped to put things in perspective.

“You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is all going. What you need is to recognize the possibilities and challenges offered by the present moment, and to embrace them with courage, faith and hope.”

― Thomas Merton

I’m trying to embrace the present moment with all its possibilities and challenges with enough courage, faith and hope.

Give us this day

Give us this day our daily bread. One day at a time. Live in the present moment. All of these familiar phrases from different traditions all speak to living in the now. Staying with my breath but not concentrating on myself. Staying selfless and thinking of others and working for their needs is really the secret if there is one to stress free living and peace. Living in the past or dwelling on expectations for the future can keep me in suspense and knotted gut. Breathe! Living this moment, not the past nor the future but this moment. Thinking of others working for their needs.

“Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.” — Thich Nhat Hanh