I will give you rest

A week ago I was complaining a bit about being worn out and I have been given a sacred cold which has provided me with some much needed recuperation. Runny nose and eyes are not conditions I covet but I’m happy to be horizontal for a couple of days. I also received word from St. Bonaventure University that my certification credentials have been filed with New York State. I had an opportunity to attend a gathering of chief school officers and teachers like me about the New York State Student Data portal that has been assembled. I found the talk a bit tiresome but enjoyed the opportunity to meet and greet some friends and enjoy a pleasant dinner. I’ve been spending much of the last two days on my back or on the couch trying to recover from the cold and it has given me time to rest and enjoy the quiet of my hermitage here on the edge of the 100 acre wood pictured in an earlier post.

“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” — Matthew 11:28