Rolling Thunder

We were in Washington for the weekend celebrating 30 years of marriage. Washington is a great place to visit and we were among thousands of other Americans who were in the nation’s capital for the weekend. Among those who came to Washington, DC this weekend were the members of “Rolling Thunder“, a group that makes it point to remember and advocate for prisoners of war and those missing in action in all of our wars. As my wife and I walked from our hotel towards the National Mall we could see and hear the thunder and rumble of the engines of these valiant bikers many of whom traveled hundreds of miles to attend. As we made our way past the Institute of Peace and walked toward the Lincoln Memorial the din from the roar of motorcycle engines grew louder. As we walked past these men and women many of whom sported Vietnam Campaign ribbons and clothing reminiscent of Vietnam I was deeply moved. Tears came to my eyes as I recalled an earlier time when many of these veterans like myself served our country at a difficult time in our history. Eventually we made it to the Vietnam Wall itself and joined thousands who were on hand to pay tribute to the men and women whose names are on that wall and to the many more who were forever touched by Vietnam but whose names will never be known except to their families. A few decades from now there will be no Vietnam veterans on the National Mall. Only the memories of the men and women who served valiantly at a particular time in American history.