The Primacy of Christ

The Pope’s homily which I have written about earlier today has come at a time when I have been reading a lot from writers within the Franciscan Intellectual tradition. When I read Pope Francis’ homily earlier today I was reminded of this “paper” that I read a number of years ago on the internet. Its author, Seamus Mulholland, OFM, is a Franciscan friar who authored this piece in 2001. The Incarnation in Franciscan Spirituality came along at a time after I had heard a talk by Fr. Lou McCormick, OFM at Mt. Irenaeus. I was intrigued by Fr. Lou’s talk about the Primacy of Christ. Though I had been raised a Roman Catholic and even attended Catholic primary and secondary schooling I don’t remember ever hearing about anything other than a sin-centered universe. The Incarnation in Franciscan spirituality is centered on love and not sin. Lately I’ve been reading a number of books by Ilia Delio, OSF who also references the approach of Scotus to soteriology. I love this quote from Seamus Mulholland’s article:

“God is love and that love is our redemption and redemption is not primarily being saved from sin, but is rather the gift of the possibility of openness to the experience of the divine Other in our life.” — Seamus Mulholland, OFM