Trapped in the nest?

I think that all of us are like eagles who have forgotten that we know how to fly. The teachings are reminding us who we are and what we can do. They help us notice that we’re in a nest with a lot of old food and old diaries, excrement and stale air. From when we were very young we’ve had this longing to see those mountains in the distance and experience that big sky and the vast ocean, but somehow we got trapped in that nest, just because we forgot that we know how to fly. We are like eagles, but we have on underwear and pants and shirt and socks and shoes and a hat and coat and boots and mittens and a Walkman and dark glasses, and it occurs to us that we could experience that vast sky, but we’d better start taking off some of this stuff.–Pema Chodron, Start Where You Are (Shambhala, 1994), 141

The Holocaust

Everytime I read about the Holocaust or see pictures of it I am reminded of how brutal men and women can be to their brothers and sisters. This presentation from the New York Times brings that to light once again. Our current misadventures in Iraq and elsewhere provide ample evidence that we Americans too can dehumanize our enemies and look at them not as fellow men but merely as subhumans who can be easily killed.

Abbey flight

Last night as I looked at the western sky I thought that this afternoon might be good flying weather. I called the FAA and got an outlook briefing for Thursday’s weather. It looked good. I called Olean-Cattaraugus Aviation and reserved their Cessna Skyhawk for Thursday afternoon. Today I arrived at Olean Airport a few minutes before 5 pm. I pre-flighted N65003 and started the plane, taxied to Runway 22, completed my pre-flight and took off. Continue reading “Abbey flight”


I owe Paula for this video clip. It’s powerful and needs no further introduction.


Never too much

I’ve been listening to music on my IPod all summer. An IPod has really revolutionized music for me. My new PT Cruiser has an audio jack that lets me play music whenever I’m in the car. Tonight my wife and I drove to Fredonia, New York to have dinner with our son and daughter. Continue reading “Never too much”

Thoughts on Bush visit to Iraq

George Bush visited Iraq today. He landed at Al-Asad airbase in Western Iraq. That’s 120 miles from Baghdad. I’ll bet he didn’t want to receive the same type of welcome that US Lawmakers recently received when their plane became the target of insurgents. Unfortunately for American soldiers on the ground and Iraqis nothing substantive will emerge from today’s meeting. It’s all a photo opportunity for the crown prince of photo-ops. No more “Mission Accomplished.” Instead its all about how Mr. Bush can save face and at the same time preserve the flow of oil from the Middle East. How many dead and wounded American soldiers is a gallon of gasoline worth? How much longer can our all volunteer military be extended without a return to conscription? How will the pundits spin this? Will King George get his surge extended? In the last three months over 1700 Iraqi citizens have died each month. The only items that appear to be surging in Iraq is civilian death, US military deaths, stop loss extensions and propaganda. There has been no surge in diplomacy, nor intelligent discourse about a way forward. Only another photo opportunity for the President.

Verse of the day

For he did not remember to show kindness, but pursued the poor and needy and the brokenhearted to their death. He loved to curse; let curses come on him. He did not like blessing; may it be far from him. He clothed himself with cursing as his coat, may it soak into his body like water, like oil into his bones.

– Psalms 109:16-18

Maybe there is payback for neglecting the needy. I believe that there is a yin and yang. There is a balance in the universe.

Deep peace

Thank you to all the people who prayed for our daughter. She seems to be progressing well. Her fever broke over twenty-four hours ago and her leg looks much better. The redness and swelling are subsiding. Dara is hoping to return to her normal life soon. I know that your prayers really helped her and I’m deeply moved by the number of visitors to this site who not only viewed the request but also left a comment. In all the writing I’ve done this simple request for prayer elicited the greatest response. Continue reading “Deep peace”

Christian of the 21st century

“The Christian of the future will be a mystic or he will not exist at all.”–Karl Rahner.

Fr. Bob Struzynski, OFM told me that a couple of years ago during one of my visits to Mt. Irenaeus. It resonated for me then and continues to more and more each day and week. I am drawn more and more to the mystical Christ. I always was. There was always something much deeper than words for me. Continue reading “Christian of the 21st century”

Do not resist an evildoer

You have heard that it was said, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you.- Matthew 5:38-42

That quote came in today’s Verse and Voice from Sojourners.  I’ve thought of it often and pondered it alot. Gandhi was one of the people who got it. Western Christians talk about Jesus and in the United States there are many who balk at this. Just try not resisting an evil person and see what happens. You’ll be amazed.