Happy Fourth

We are still enjoying the heat and near constant sun. It’s a nice change of pace from our home where we have long periods of overcast and cold in the winter. I’ve long enjoyed South Carolina dating to the late 1970’s when I first experienced their abundant warmth and hospitality. I had hoped to squeeze in a couple of side trips but family must come first. We’re all getting older and time together is more important. I’ll have to schedule another trip to get in my other sightseeing. It’s 95F here today and that heat can be oppressive if you don’t move slow I’ve always loved being near the water and spending the last few days lakeside have been a treat. I’d like to canoe or try a small sailer like the one crossing the cove just now. I’ve written often lately of being refreshed by still waters and Lake Murray is part of that journey.


Wednesday will see us heading home but I’ll carry these memories with me for a long time.

ISTE 2011 First Night


A picture inside the Pennsylvania Convention Center at the keynote session.

We arrived safe and sound in Philadelphia this afternoon. A decision by Kim when we were 80 miles out proved sage as we drove straight to the convention center and registered. We got our badges, swag and bags and literally followed the crowd to the keynote. Thanks to Twitter we got to see Rob Griffith (@rgriffithjr) and his wife, Jamie Lynn. When we first entered the keynote Kim didn’t believe we’d find seats but Dave managed to find just enough for us to enjoy the show. The room was filled with thousands of conference attendees. We hadn’t eaten all day so the chocolate bar in a Dell wrapper was a welcome treat. Dr. John Medina gave a rousing keynote and then we made our way to our nights lodging And a tasty meal at T.G.I.F.

We’ve agreed to get up early and get back down to the convention center for a full and fun day tomorrow. Hoping to keep a beginners mind so I can learn a lot.

New direction

I recently wrote about fear and doubt and how I was uncertain of my future and how that future might include retirement. I walked all the way to the edge and even jumped off into retirement only to be recalled by one of my supervisors. A week ago I was summoned to the principal’s office for what I thought would be a scolding and lo and behold the man wanted me to return to the classroom. I’m being re-invented and in September I’ll be teaching seventh and eighth grade students how to stay safe on the internet, use tools like Google Docs and use their cell phones as learning tools.

The request and the experience has left me with a beginners mind. I’m reaching out to other teachers who’ve taught at this grade level before and who have had this assignment. For the last several years I’ve been a proponent of the educational uses of cell phones. I’ve been at loggerheads with the administration on this point. I’ve come to believe that cell phones are really the present and future direction of computing. For years we’ve been talking about one to one computing and only an elite few districts could actually pull it off. Most lacked the resources. Adding to the proliferation of cell phones is the emergence of the Net Book platform. The near and far term will see a melding of the two and in a relatively short period of time I think we’ll see an almost total disappearance of the traditional desktop and even laptop computers in favor of net centric devices that connect to both traditional 802.11 wireless networks and cellular networks. Recent events in Iran prove the effectiveness of low bandwidth tools like Twitter and SMS to get the message out.

Of course these tools can be dangerous in the hands of young people who frequently lack good judgement and use them to send inappropriate messages which put them and their futures in jeopardy. My assignment includes helping to change those behaviors. It’s a tall order but it’s one that’s got me excited and energized. I hope that you will continue to pray as I need those prayers and so do the students I’ll be working with.

Paradigm change

In reading one of the blogs that I regularly read I came across this video which is well made, timely and poignant. I work in an educational establishment. I have a Master of Arts in Educational Psychology. I’m always watching other teachers teach and I love to watch students learn. I love to teach myself, though I rarely get the chance anymore due to my workday responsibilities. The quote at the beginning of this short clip comes from one of my favorite thinkers who was way ahead of his time.
