Give us this day

Give us this day our daily bread. One day at a time. Live in the present moment. All of these familiar phrases from different traditions all speak to living in the now. Staying with my breath but not concentrating on myself. Staying selfless and thinking of others and working for their needs is really the secret if there is one to stress free living and peace. Living in the past or dwelling on expectations for the future can keep me in suspense and knotted gut. Breathe! Living this moment, not the past nor the future but this moment. Thinking of others working for their needs.

“Breathing in, I calm body and mind. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment I know this is the only moment.” — Thich Nhat Hanh


Last night at dinner our daughter was describing a class she is taking. I don’t know the title, but the content deals with Frederick Douglass and slavery in America. She really loves her teacher who is a Ph.D candidate and very animated about this subject. Her homework this weekend involves slave chronicles. The conversation was interesting and stirred again within me the memories of one the best books I ever read. Continue reading “Roots”

Peace is every step..

I came across this video while searching for peace videos on Youtube. There is some footage of Claude Anshin Thomas of whom I wrote the other day. There is some of Thich Nhat Hanh and others who are committed to peace.

I am committing what’s left of my life to stopping war and working for peace. Our politicians don’t have the stomach but perhaps you and I do. [youtube=]

“The truth is the truth, even when you are a minority of one”–Gandhi

Non being

I’ve been thinking as I listen to Wayne Dyer’s commentary on the Tao Te Ching. So much of my life is spent in being and doing and what is really important in me and in my life is really non-being. I’m grateful for this book and these moments of insight that have come from it. Until now, the concept of non-being has been elusive. What were they speaking of? Continue reading “Non being”