Welcome to Reclaim

I have been looking for new web hosts to place this blog and thanks to a blogger I met via Mastodon today I’ve settled on Reclaim Hosting. Best part is they’re a site that’s focused on education. Higher education in particular but welcoming students, academics and other folks not necessarily connected to academia. In addition to that delightful mix their hosting fee was very reasonable and I got the domain name I had been toying with. I started blogging in 2006 on Blogger.com but moved to WordPress.com after about a year. I have been on WordPress.com ever since.

I’m grateful for my experience these many years and fortunately for me I was able to download all my posts in a backup file and then move them to this new host. That’s a very nice feature of WordPress. This has been an exciting year in many respects and one of those nice surprises has been moving much of my social networking to Mastodon or in my case Fosstodon. Open source software and open education are my passion. They offer tremendous opportunities to everyone regardless of where you happen to be on the education continuum.

Linux News

Today was a big day in the Linux community with the release of Ubuntu 20.04. A long time friend of mine reached out to me a couple of days ago asking me to familiarize him again with how to create a bootable USB drive so that he could update his laptop with the latest release of Ubuntu Linux. I sent the directions and today he sent me a text to let me know that the install went great and that he’s very happy with it. You can download your own copy of 20.04 which is called Focal Fossa. My friend Dave said it made his computer faster. What’s under the hood of this latest release. I’ve been a Ubuntu user for fifteen years now. I got my first copy of Ubuntu 5.04 at the Portland Linux User Group (PLUG) while I in Portland on business. I’d been a solid Fedora user up until then. I left the world of RPM for .deb files. At first it all seemed a bit foreign .

$ sudo apt-get install. Now, that’s changed to $ sudo apt install and Fedora is using sudo too. A lot has changed in fifteen years in the Linux community but one thing hasn’t and that is the rock solid reliability of the kernel and the innovation of the communities that support Linux distributions.

Tonight I was working on an installation of WordPress in VM with Virtualbox. I downloaded the .iso from TurnkeyLinux. and built a test WordPress server. I’m writing a “how-to” for H5P which is a great plugin that supports creating, sharing and reusing interactive content in your browser. I was having some problems getting H5P to work properly on this machine. I had to update and upgrade the PHP on the Debian image to get everything working properly. My experience as a Linux Sysadmin came in handy and now H5P is working well.

Are you a Linux user? Do you have any projects your working on? I’d love to hear what you’re doing.