St. Theresa’s Prayer

God has no body on earth but yours
Yours are the only hands with which he can do his work
Yours are the only feet with which he can go about the world
Yours are the only eyes through which his compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world.
-St. Teresa of Avila

Today has been very tiring, up at 5:45 am for a four mile run. It was beautiful this morning. The moon and stars were still out when I left for the gym. Lots of walking and lifting computers and peripherals today. Time to think who I’m working for. Glad to be alive, beautiful day, 53 degrees and sun. That’s unusual in Western New York in January. I meet lots of little people every day who come from homes where they may be unwanted. I remember how nervous and out of place I felt in school at times. I try to practice blessing everyone I meet with a compliment. It’s fun to see people’s faces light up when a little compliment is paid. Nice dress, nice sweater. Gee, you look nice today. People need to be reminded over and over again that they are good. I’m reminded of St. Francis’ message to the people, “Good morning, good people.”

I spent some time today listening to John Michael Talbot’s , “St. Theresa’s Prayer”. Lyrics posted at the top of this message. Peace!