Sister Bloggers and Eric Doyle

I came across a great blog in my surfing today and I’ve added it to my links. It’s called SisterBloggers. I’ve really enjoyed reading the posts. Lots of great insights from some very holy ladies. The sisters describe themselves, “Catholic Sisters, Episcopal Sisters, women in formation, those discerning a religious vocation and others who want to join the conversation. We are women. Hear us blog.” Go for it!

There was a book sitting on the counter today at the Mountain. It’s a collection of the writings of Eric Doyle, OFM. I never heard of Eric until today, but he was described as a modern Duns Scotus. I’ve read a little bit of his work today and I found it very stimulating and insightful. If you’re a Catholic or Christian woman you might find Fr. Doyle’s writing insightful, hopeful and challenging.

Pax vobiscum.