Dixie Chicks

Remember back in 2003 when the Dixie Chicks dissed the president? I do. I hadn’t paid any attention to those ladies up until then. I had to admire these young ladies who stood up for what they believed in. It cost them to take a stand, but you gotta admire folks who put their money where their mouth is. Well, recently they played to a packed house at Madison Square Garden and according to Rolling Stone they brought down the house. Life has a way of coming full circle. Sometimes it takes a long time and other times it doesn’t. Looks like Mr. Bush is down and their star is rising. It’s payback time and it is sweet for these lovely ladies.

The Dixie Chicks dedicated a song to Mel Gibson. I’ve thought for a few years that Mel had emotional problems. Most of his movies are filled with violence. I remember a couple of years ago when he was on top with “Passion of the Christ.” I went to that movie and I thought the violence was way overdone and since then I’ve read others who thought the same. Here’s the song the ladies dedicated to Mel.

White Trash Wedding

You can’t afford no ring
You can’t afford no ring
I shouldn’t be wearing white and you can’t afford no ring

You finally took my hand
You finally took my hand
It took a nip of gin
But you finally
took my hand
You can’t afford no ring
You can’t afford no ring
I shouldn’t be wearing white and you can’t afford no ring

Mama don’t approve
Mama don’t approve
Daddy says he’s the best in town
And mama don’t approve
You can’t afford no ring
You can’t afford no ring
I shouldn’t be wearing white and you can’t afford no ring

Baby’s on its way
Baby’s on its way
Say I do and kiss me quick
‘Cause baby’s on its way

I shouldn’t be wearing white and you can’t afford no ring


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dixie chicks, concert