Thank you

Thank you to Plainfoolish for a lovely and well written piece about soldiers. She has done a better job than I did in articulating the love of soldiers and the dislike of war. Thank you to all the bloggers and readers who stop by this blog and comment what I have written. This blog is nearly a year old and it’s really been an undertaking different from any other. Until now I was not a diarist. My wife has spent most of her life chronicling her thoughts on a day to day basis. I can see the value in all of that now. I can also see the value of sharing in what others are writing and thinking because contrary to what has been written about blogs and bloggers I believe that we’re doing something positive for writing and life in general.

I’ve changed some of the links here in an effort to more accurately reflect what I’ve been reading lately. I really appreciate the other blogs that I regularly read and I do take time to explore your links as well. Thank you to Paula, Brother Charles, Jeff, Steve, and Kevin. Kevin got me started down this path nearly two years ago, but it took a year and a sacred illness for the seed to sprout and grow. Thank you also to the Friars at Holy Peace Friary, the monks at Abbey of the Genesee and Mt. Saviour. Thank you to the St. Irenaeus Secular Franciscan Fraternity and most especially to my wife and family who sustain and nurture me.

Technorati Tags:
catholicblogs, bloggers, gratitude

4 Replies to “Thank you”

  1. Thank you Don. You keep me connected to a world of Western NY, which I miss very much.

  2. Thank you. I have long written down things, sometimes in old black and white marble cover notebooks, sometimes on slips of paper, and now in dancing motes of light on a screen.

    I like the way this form is so easily shared. I had originally written many of these thoughts on pieces of paper, perhaps showing them to my friends, and had tried one of the formats that primarily share with people I already knew, but I was feeling nudged that that was not enough, that I needed to risk sharing them with a wider circle, so I started Plain Foolish to do that.

    Shortly after that, I found your blog and enjoyed reading about your own journey to peacefulness and mindfulness. You have helped to inspire some of the posts I have made, and forced me to think more deeply on some of the subjects you’ve written about. Thank you.

  3. I’m very grateful and moved by what all of you have written. I’m grateful that what I write serves a greater purpose. That has been my prayerful intent. Peace and all good.:-) Don

  4. Thanks for helping is old sea dog resolve an internal conflict.

    May God keep all who serve and their love ones at home safe.

    Shipwrecked In South Carolina

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