Humanity to others

I’ve been using an Ubuntu desktop for nearly a year now and I really appreciate the ease of use. I use open source software on Windows too, but when I’m home and using the Internet or writing I spend the bulk of my time on a Linux desktop. That’s been the case now for almost four years. Up until last year my desktop Linux experience had been confined to Red Hat. I loved Fedora 3. I purchased a new laptop in May of last year and had some trouble at first getting the Intel 2200 wireless card to work with Fedora. That is what led me to try Ubuntu. At first there were some quirks about the Ubuntu’s variation of the Gnome desktop. I still like the ability to right click on Red Hat Gnome desktop and open a terminal window. I hope someone who knows how to do this with Ubuntu will share that secret with me. Other than that small quirk I’ve grown more and more accustomed to Ubuntu. Recently I’ve begun to recommend Ubuntu as an alternative desktop to some of my customers. I’ve been able to help a number of clients experience a less troublesome operating system experience by using Ubuntu. This week I installed Xubuntu on a older computer. The client had been running Windows 98 and the computer had become infested with spyware. I suggested Xubuntu because it can run in less RAM and with less processing power than the standard Ubuntu 6.10. Our installation was successful and my client is connected to DSL.

In another case I was approached by customer who had grown sick of all the spyware that had infested his computer and had completely rebuilt it with the original OEM disks. He was complaining about the inability to get rid of the some of the OEM software that he found troubling. I gave him Ubuntu 6.10. I suggested that he boot from the CD first and see if this pleased him before installing the operating system. Ubuntu is living up to its’ name, “Humanity to others.” Humanity to others is after all very Franciscan.

Technorati Tags:
Linux, Ubuntu, open source, Xubuntu