Thank you Soldier Fuel.

Last week after reading a post by PlainFoolish about I decided to send some of our troops some candy bars that are sold by Soldier Fuel. In attempting to purchase the candy bars for the soldiers I made a mistake and refreshed the browser resulting in a double order. I’m writing tonight to commend the owner of Soldier Fuel who picked up on my mistake and called me to avoid a double charge to my credit card. I want to commend, Mark D’Andrea one of the owners who made sure that I was properly credited. I told Mark how much I appreciated his honesty and what he and his company is doing to help our troops in the field. I highly recommend that you purchase these energy bars for our troops. I’m not nor will I be a supporter of this war, but I do honor the tremendous sacrifice made each day by our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines. Please pray for their safety and pray also for the owners of Soldier Fuel who are doing a great service to our nation and it citizens.