Cutting through the spin

A few days ago I mentioned to a colleague at work that I enjoyed Bill Maher. The young man said to me, “he’s pretty liberal isn’t he?” Yes, I guess Bill would be called liberal these days. The right wing has worn out the true meaning of conservative. In the old days conservative used to mean balanced budgets, isolationist foreign policy and a more libertarian government. Today’s conservatives are none of those. They’ve spent money like drunken sailors, invaded our privacy, defecated on the Bill of Rights, and gotten us into the worst foreign policy disaster in the history of the republic. If Bill Maher is a liberal then I’m one too and damn glad to be one. Tonight Bill was on the Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer. Wolf tried to paint Bill into a corner on more than one issue and Bill eloquently stood his ground and comically illustrated the mendacious assertions of the Bush Administration. Here’s a link to the video clip at Crooks & Liars. Wolf likes to portray those who don’t support General Petraeus’ recent testimony before congress as folks who are attacking the general’s character. In other words Wolf is using Republican talking points. It’s both a sham and a shame that our media is controlled by these pundits who keep spinning the web of lies.

I have to give Wolf Blitzer and CNN credit though. At least they weren’t concentrating on Brittany or O.J.