Latarian Milton

This little boy did a very dangerous thing. He stole a car. But, he is one of the most adorable children I’ve ever seen. I love to hear his seven year old logic when confronted by the authorities.


3 Replies to “Latarian Milton”

  1. I saw this video a little while ago; it was hard for me to know how to react to it. His innocence and simplicity draw you in, but his lack of sense is disturbing. “No video games for a whole weekend!”

  2. His lack of remorse is troubling. We live in a culture where remorse over wrong-doing is short lived if experienced at all. That is troubling.

  3. I am saddened by the values this child has already absorbed. “It’s fun to do bad things”? He’s already labelled himself a “hoodrat” at 7 years old and is already on the road to trouble.

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