
This came in today’s mail and it’s fitting after the results of yesterday’s election.  My wife commented to me this morning that she wondered what Martin Luther King would have thought and said. I thought too of Alex Haley and Kunta Kinte and the generations since the first slave ships came to our shores. We’ve had growing pains but last night stands apart. It was and is a special time. It took an eloquent bi-racial man and the prayers of a nation to bring about the outcome.

In a real sense all life is interrelated. All persons are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be, and you can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.

–Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.

3 Replies to “Interrelated”

  1. Just wanted to leave a line here. My daughter Laura and I met you at the WNY PLP last year…she blogs at Twenty Five Days to Make a Difference and you dropped into her little unconference, I believe. My husband and I have been reading here since. You inspire much conversation in our home, with our children, and with our friends and other family members. Thank you. This is a lovely corner of the internet.

  2. Yes, I remember you and your daughter. That was a special day and you and your daughter are doing wonderful work. When I heard your stories at the WNYPLP I was deeply moved. In fact I was a bit choked up. Your daughter has special gift and so must you and your family too. I got your comment this morning as I was walking up the path to Holy Peace Chapel at Mt. Irenaeus. Your comments really picked me up. That was exactly what I needed to hear at that moment. Thank you for bringing gratefulness to my day. I’m glad your family and friends enjoy what I write. I feel things very deeply, sometimes too deeply I think and I write from that center. Thanks again for stopping by and lifting my spirits this morning. All the best to your daughter, her writing and your family. 🙂 Don

  3. We are grateful to you and find that the center you write from helps to keep us centered as well. You provide tremendous example. Thanks again. : )

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