Thankful heart

I’ve got a whole week off and I’m enjoying it. I got a 4.0 at St. Bonaventure last semester too. Going back to graduate school was a lot of fun it turns out and it was a homecoming too. I was scared at first but gradually warmed up to the idea. Christmas was fun too. Devin was home with his girlfriend and Dara’s spending a week with us. It’s almost like life used to be like except we’re older and maybe a bit wiser.  I got a lot of nice gifts this week. One of them is a Keurig Coffee maker.

I watched a bit of television tonight, but not enough to really spoil me. I spun around the news, but it’s all pretty negative. I even like Countdown, but it’s just too negative. I don’t even read much of the news blogs anymore. They’re all very negative and once I got weaned from them and discovered that I could live without a newspaper and news programming I became a lot more contented. It’s all very cynical programming.

I’ve become an active Facebook user and a very active Twitter’er. One of the people I met through presenting at NYSCATE the last few years inspired me to create a Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud in a virtual machine. It’s working too and I’m learning more new things. That’s gotten me back to Ubuntu and today I used my Ubuntu machine almost exclusively. I’ve been using the Mac Book Pro a great deal this fall and feeling a bit guilty that I sold out the open source community.  Going back to school I thought I ought to be a bit more mainstream. I was a bit wrong as I never really needed anything other than Google Docs and Moodle along with reading books  and using Google Scholar to complete the two courses I took at St. Bonaventure.

My experience once again confirms that Linux and Ubuntu in particular is all I really need to be productive. I cannot rave enough about Virtual Box either. That is one fine product and is my favorite desktop virtualization software.  I’m darn glad I didn’t retire in June too. I’m looking forward to an active semester in a few weeks. I covet your prayers. Peace!