Every wall is a door

It’s been a long time since I wrote anything here, but its not been a long time since I wrote anything. As most college students will attest writing is not a lost art in college and this year in my graduate studies at St. Bonaventure University, I’ve been doing quite a bit of writing and enjoying it too. Next week I start another course and then this summer I’ll be working in an internship. My life has been very busy and I’ve really been too tired to write.

I think often of writing here, but most days I’ve been very tired so my Facebook and Twitter friends have seen much more of me than this blog has. A great deal has changed in a year. I’ve gone from nearly retiring to being fully engaged in teaching and learning and in the process I’ve earned 13 graduate credits at St. Bonaventure with another course to begin next week. Retirement holds no fascination now. I’m fully engaged and eager to keep plugging along.

There is an old expression from Ralph Waldo Emerson, “every wall is a door,” and those words could not have been more prescient in my case.  I have found that what lies beyond the door is not to be feared but to be embraced and while I continue to fear because it seems to be my nature I continue to embrace too.