The Good Journey

Saturday will be my last official class at St. Bonaventure University. It has been twenty months since my first class which actually occurred at St. Bonaventure’s Buffalo Campus at Hilbert College in late August of 2009. In that period of time I have completed a Master of Science in Education in Educational Leadership. I was nervous at that first class and I’ll be a bit nervous on Saturday too. No matter how old I get I still have those jitters that some students get. I’ve done my work well this semester. I was enrolled in 8 credit hours. Two of them were in a Practicum and that is complete now. The other six have been in School Finance and Supervision. I thought I would enjoy the finance class and I have but I never had any idea how much fun the supervision class would be.

These last twenty months have been full of surprises and new opportunities for learning. I would never have guessed that I would have completed over 830 hours of internships and learned so much in the process. More than the learning though has been the growth of the Franciscan charism within me and my love for the University itself. This has been a wonderful experience and one that has been such a blessing in my life. Words cannot adequately express the sum total of all that I have experienced. I have gained new friendships from my classmates and from the professors too. Saturday will be bittersweet.