Evening on the lake


Evening has fallen on Lake Murray in Chapin, SC. The stillness is punctuated by fireworks around the lake. Lake Murray’s official 4th of July fireworks occurred on Saturday evening. We viewed them from my brother’s boat in the middle of the lake near Dreher Island State Park. Nonetheless there is a staccato of firecrackers, Roman candles and skyrockets this evening that breaks the lovely stillness of the lakeshore. It’s still warm but very comfortable as I sit on the porch and listen to the laughter of cousins, my brother, sister and our mates. God only knows when we’ll all gather again. Family times are special and the past few days have been remarkable for us. Mom is 84 and it’s really great that she’s still healthy and with us. I love summer nights. I love the warm night air. Deo gratias!